The Solution

Recovery JumpStart offers several options for treatment: Individual and Couples Therapy, Group Therapy, and Weekend Intensive Workshops. Individual and Couples therapy is offered by appointment and provide individualized, focused treatment needed to establish and maintain recovery. Individual and Coup sessions can be scheduled by calling Bob Weaver, (312-320-0341). Group Therapy is currently scheduled on Wednesday, from 8:00 pm-9:30 pm. The intensive weekend workshops for men and for couples are designed to jump start the process of healing and recovery from sexual addiction. The intensive workshops are designed for men, spouses/partners of the addict, and for couples, and take place over a weekend so that busy and demanding work schedules are respected.

Over the course of our work together, we will create effective strategies targeted for long-term success using the following:

  • Breaking through denial
  • Understanding orders of change
  • Establishing sobriety (when necessary)
  • Damage control
  • Re-establishing trust and empathy
  • Positive sexual focus
  • Preventing relapse
  • Understanding the neurochemical process

We will create a welcoming, supportive and structured environment. We will invite healing from underlying shame and guilt that propels the addiction. We will explore the nature of healthy intimacy, and plan for prevention of subsequent relapse.