The Problem

The problem is that the problem is often the solution: or rather, what we’ve just always done is sometimes a coping mechanism, and often a flawed coping mechanism. That which has become addictive behavior is often the cure we have always used to enable us to feel better.

With the click of a mouse: laptop, desktop, palm, phone and PDA, we can instantly escape from anxiety, fear, and everyday boredom. And pornography, sexual arousal, and seduction, to name a few examples, are instantly available, anonymous and highly addictive. Sound familiar? We’ve made promises vowing to cut down our use, renewed our efforts to quit downloading images that we canít get out of our minds. Over and over we return, unable to stop, often increasing in the quantity and intensity needed to achieve the desired effect.Perhaps weíve had affairs, maybe repeatedly, and maybe even in spite of the threat of severe negative consequences such as separation and divorce, or termination from our job. Sex addiction can take over a life as quickly as any drug addiction, and can become potentially far more destructive.